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  • $50
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  • $100
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  • 10 GB of space
  • Support at $15/hour
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  • Standard Compliant Channels
  • $250
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  • 30 GB of space
  • Support at $5/hour
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Your First Visit

Your first visit to Carey Counseling Center, Inc. will take about two hours. During this time, an intake will be done by one of our masters-level therapist. During the intake process, you will be asked a series of questions regarding yourself and some background information. It is important to us that we fully understand what brings you to CAREY and what you hope to accomplish through your experience with us.

If you are using insurance to pay for services, make sure you bring the following items to your first visit:
• your insurance card
• a photo ID

If you are bringing in a child for treatment, you must be the legal guardian. Please bring in a birth certificate for the child, along with custody paperwork (if applicable) and a matching photo ID proving you have guardianship.

Informed consent
Carey Counseling Center, Inc. provides counseling, medical services, and case management. All services are voluntary. You have the right to accept or refuse any services at CAREY. The risks and benefits of treatment will be explained at the time of service.

Except in rare and specific circumstances, conversations with your service provider will be confidential. However, confidentiality may be broken if there is an immediate threat to safety (yours or others) or when required by state or federal law to report concerns to authorities. Feel free to ask any questions about our confidentiality policy.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • + Should I call to set up an appointment or can I just walk in?
    In order to verify insurance ahead of time, it is best if you call our Access Center at 800-611-7757. You will be connected with a friendly professional who will explain to you the first steps of getting started with CAREY.
  • + What will my very first appointment look like?
    When you arrive at CAREY for your first appointment, it will probably look similar to any other doctor’s visit. On average, your first appointment will last about 2 hours. When you come in, you will be asked to fill out some paperwork at the front desk. Next, you will meet with a masters-level therapist who will talk more in detail about what brings you in and what you hope to accomplish through your experience with CAREY. The therapist will then explain all the services we have to offer and the two of you will decide what services will best serve you.
  • + Do you accept walk-in appointments?
    We do accept walk-in appointments from 12:30 to 3:00 Monday through Friday. However, it is recommended to call our Access Center ahead of time at 800-611-7757.
  • + What happens if I need to change or cancel a scheduled appointment?
    In order to change or cancel a scheduled appointment, please call our Access Center at least two hours ahead of time at 800-611-7757.

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